Fact : still tweaked the CSS.
Find : going forward little by little.
Found : “Every little makes a mickle.”
Future : I am a non-giver-upper.
Web Developer and EditCSS
このサイトのCSSをいじるためにうわさのWeb Developerと EditCSSをMozilla Firebirdにインストールした。
Web Developerの「Outline Block Level Elements」と「View ID and Class Details」でいじりたい要素のIDやClassを見つけてその値やらをEditCSSに書き込めば、それがそのままリアルタイムにブラウザ画面に即反映されて即確認できるんでスンゲーべんり。
tweaked the CSS
Fact : tweaked the CSS.
Find : have no artistic gift.
Found : ENJOY the work, man!
Future : I am a CSS handler.
painted the fence
Fact : painted the fence all day long.
Find : more difficult than I thought.
Found : It’s easy to say, not to do it.
Future : I am a practic seeker.
f5 Jan 02, 2004
What one thing are you most looking forward to . . .
1. …today?
suppose it’s still 2nd of Jan. today, I am looking forward to the release of WordPress 1.0. (already released on 3rd in Japan)
今日がまだ一月の2日だとして、WordPress 1.0 のリリースを楽しみに待ってる。(日本時間の三日にリリースされた)
2. …over the next week?
looking forward to announcing of new Mac stuff on Macworld Conference & Expo
Macworld Conference & Expo で何か新製品が発表されるか楽しみ。
3. …this year?
looking forward to seeing my lovely nieces coming back from Canada!
4. …over the next five years?
looking forward to going abroad sometimes (well, I wish I could)
5. …for the rest of your life?
looking forward to hitting the jackpot.